Ne videon me siper familjaret e muxhahedinit Bahman Mohamed Nexhat Caushi i apelojne autoriteteve shqiptare qe ti lejojne te vijne ne Shqiperi dhe takojne kusheririn e tyre i cili mbahet ne karantine ne kampin e MEK-ut qe nga viti 1981 Familjaret e Bahmanit: Said Mohamed Nexhad Caushi (nipi), Mohamed Riza Caushi (vellai), Zahra Gjyzel Caushi (nusja e vellait), Lejla Mohamedi Nexhat (motra) i bejne apel qeverise shqiptare qe ti lejoje te takojne vellain e tyre te radikalizuar ne kampin e MEK-ut. Familjaret e Bahmanit hedhin poshte shpifjet e MEK-ut i cili pretendon se ne Iran ka fashizem, dhe shtypje fetare. Ata i apelojne Bahman Mohamedit qe te kthehet ne Iran prane familjes dhe braktise xhihadin e dhunshem te MEK-ut.
The family members of the mojahedeen Bahman Mohamedi Nejad Caushi appeal to Albanian authorities to allow them to come to Albania and meet their cousin who has been held in quarantine at the MEK camp since 1981. Bahman family members: Said Mohamedi Nejad Caushi (nephew), Mohamed Riza Caushi (brother), Zahra Guzel Caushi (brother’s wife), Layla Mohamedi Nejad (sister) appeal to the government to allow them to meet their radicalized brother in the camp of MEK. Bahman’s family members reject MEK’s slander which claims that there is a religious and fascist oppression in Iran. They urge Bahman Mohamedi to return to Iran and abandon the violent jihad of Mojaheeden el Halk